
SEO Questions and Answers

Old SEO Questions and Answers Vaild upto 2024 1.How frequently SERP changes. Write day, min, month, yearly etc... 2. If any website get penalize in google search, what is your first step SEO. 3. Website has PR 6 but still no top 10 SERP. Why? 4. Website has PR 2 BUT it has top 10 SERP. Why? 5. Website open from delhi for 4 minutes but Bounce Rate is 78% Why? 6. Google consider 200 factor for SERP, write the name of all. 7. If we eliminate description as a meta tag, then what happen. 8. Which programming language is more flexible for every search engine .net PHP etc... 9. Why we test URL Mapping before the going website live. 10. What is the basic differences between Google, Yahoo & Bing Meta Tag. 11. If any website PR is 4 then how much time is required for PR 8. 12. Write the name of all meta tag. 13. Why XML & HTML Site map required. 14. How video sitemap work. 15. How Website spoofing work. 16. Is impact factor complicated task for article. 17. How we start ...